Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Why can't all this tech stuff work together?

Hey Beth, why can't everything just get along?  I've got a tumblr, a Jawbone Up, Instagram, Gmail, and a bunch of other applications.  I really want to make them all interact with each other but of course, they don't.  Have any magical ways to fix that?

Actually, there is a way to actually make this work.  It's called IFTTT (pronounced like 'gift' without the 'g').  Which means 'if this, then that.'

They are a free service that allows you to make conditional statements about your different applications.  For example, I set it up so that when I post to this blog, it also posts to my tumblr.

They have an iPhone app in addition to their web app so you can set up different relationships (or 'recipes') from anywhere.


Bonus!  IFTTT office dog blog!

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