Sunday, June 16, 2013

Spaghetti? Western?

Hey Beth, where does the term "Spaghetti Western" even come from?

 +  =  ???

Back in the day, 'Spaghetti Western', was originally a derogatory term and referred to western movies produced and directed by Italians.


Thursday, June 13, 2013

Rain, rain go away

Hey Beth, I hate the rain.  Do you have a website to fix that?

No one's made a website that controls the weather just yet, but if you dread rainy days, it really helps to have the happiest umbrella on earth.  Get yourself an umbrella that you are so excited to use that you can't wait until it rains.  Here are some of my favorites:
Samurai Umbrella from Neatorama's Neatoshop

Lightsaber Umbrella from ThinkGeek

The Colour Change Umbrella from suckUK
My personal favorite and it hasn't rained since I got it.  :(

Scotch Tape

Hey Beth, why is it called Scotch tape?

First of all, Scotch is a brand, not a kind of tape (like Kleenex and Chapstick are brands, not items), made by the company 3M.  The legend behind the choosing of the name is that one of the first iterations of masking tape was not quite adhesive enough.  The bodyshop painter attempting to use the tape exclaimed, "Take this tape back to your Scotch bosses of yours and tell them to put more adhesive on it!"

MIT article

Ooh! What flavor is this one? Eeeew...lemon

Hey Beth, wouldn't it be awesome if they made a mixed chocolates box that you could pick the flavors?

See's Candies will do it for you.  Just go to their site, select what pieces you want and then get those sweet lemon-curd-free chocolates delivered to your door.